what are we planning?
We are proposing to build the Energy & Resource Park in an industrial area next to the Liberty Aluminium foundry on Stourport Road in Kidderminster. The brownfield site is currently empty but has been used for waste uses in the past, having once been a landfill site.

Powering up Liberty Aluminium
The Liberty Aluminum foundry has been on Stourport Road for five years and employs over 70 people. The company has a long history of producing engine components and we are in discussions with them about providing a stable supply of electricity and heat from the Energy & Resource Park. This could enable Liberty to expand its operations in Kidderminster which could see an investment of £8 million and over 100 jobs.
The Energy & Resource Park will include an Energy Centre and a Plastics Recovery Plant.
The Energy Centre will take around 75,000 tonnes a year of commercial and industrial waste left after recycling from the local area. The waste is used as a fuel to generate low carbon electricity and heat which could be used to power local businesses including the Liberty Aluminium foundry next door. Some of the electricity and heat will also be used to power the Plastics Recovery Plant.
The Plastics Recovery Plant will take around 30,000 tonnes a year of plastic waste that would otherwise end up in landfill or exported overseas. The plastic waste (such as plastic bags, film and containers) is processed through friction plates which breaks it down into granules. This material can then be used to create new products like garden furniture and decking.
We are also looking at including education facilities which will enable local schools and others to come and learn about what happens at the Energy & Resource Park.
the waste hierarchy
The waste hierarchy ranks waste management options according to what is best for the environment. It gives top priority to preventing waste in the first place. When waste is created, we should look at re-using it first, then recycling, then recovery, and last of all disposal in landfill.
When waste arrives at the Energy & Resource Park it will already have had recyclable materials removed. It will take waste where the only other realistic option is landfill, creating a value from it rather than it just being buried in the ground.
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